There are times in life when the writing is on the wall and you can choice to ignore it or follow what it says.
This week has been one of those times.
I have always felt that there was a plan for my life and that all the crap and drama that I have gone through was supposed to happen to get me to where I'm supposed to go.
This week has showed me that what I have always thought was true is.
My place in this world is behind a camera, typing keys on a keyboard, and making something to entertain others.
I know now that the path I am on right now is the path I was always supposed to be on. I just had to go through the other crap to get here.
If I had started this 3 or 4 years ago I wouldn't have made it.
I was not as strong as I am now. I was not as determined as I am now.
Life is funny sometimes. It tosses and turns and does some crazy things. But in the end, what life throws at you can either break you or make you stronger and I am happy to say that it has made me stronger.
I can face the rejection that is bound to come, the doors that will slam in my face. I am a strong, determined woman ready to face this big scary world.
Bring it on!
First script is almost done. Couple of final revisions and I will need a couple of people to read over it for me and I will be ready to look at getting it produced. I'm so excited. It's a very personal story with a lot of basis on my life which makes it all the more special. Even if I produce it myself with my handheld camera I want to see this story played out by someone else. I want to see the characters that have been running around my head for the last 3 years come to life in a way that I can only imagine.